Azure Thursday
This is a group for all developers, consultants, architects and IT professionals who want to dive into for them unknown topics related to Azure. Azure Thursday are happening every first Thursday of the month and the format will be different every evening. From hand-on workshops to technical talks.
Our sponsors
3 October 2024
UTC+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
Automating report generation with Databricks and Azure AI Studio
Meetup October 2024
In an era where data drives the energy sector, the challenge lies in translating complex business needs into actionable insights. This talk explores how Azure tools—AI Studio, Data Factory, and Databricks (among others)—can automate and enhance reporting processes. We’ll examine how to convert business logic into code, harness AI for intelligent decision support, and build a scalable, end-to-end solution within Azure’s ecosystem. By focusing on practical applications and strategic outcomes, this session will provoke thought on how AI and automation can reshape the way we approach data and decision-making in the energy industry.
Javier Eguíluz
Javier Eguíluz
Data Scientist | Engineer @ Heroes
3 October 2024
UTC+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
Azure Static Web Apps for the Enterprise
Meetup October 2024
Azure Static Web Apps. An easy way to get a hobby site into the world for very little cost. But that's not all they can do! With a few changes to the out of the box experience, and using the standard, paid, tier we can use these Azure Resources in our enterprise architecture! We will touch upon infrastructure as code, to make reliable deployments to a known environment. We'll look into how to change the default pipeline to allow unit tests etc for the code, and deploying the same build applications into multiple environments. Finally, we'll take a look at Custom Authentication - using Auth0 to authenticate and a custom Azure Function to provide the roles for our users.
Stacy Cashmore
Stacy Cashmore
Speaker, Author, and Tech Explorer DevOps.
Azure Thursday is a non-profit organization based in The Netherlands that organizes and empowers community events to share knowledge around the world. Striving to include everyone, by making our events inclusive and accessible.
Roel van de Grint
Roel van de Grint
Senior Software Engineer @ Capgemini
Luuk Mager
Luuk Mager
Cloud Solution Architect @ Heroes
Jorrit Meijer
Jorrit Meijer
Cloud Solution Architect
Roelant Dieben
Roelant Dieben
Owner @
Esther Barthel
Esther Barthel
Solutions Architect @ Cognition IT
Stefan Dingemanse
Stefan Dingemanse
Consultant at Brainpulse IT